Ways to Donate

Ways to Donate

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  • DONATE Via Zelle using ivyfoundationsuffolknassau@gmail.com

  • DONATE by clicking the link below, which will direct you to PayPal

Donate via PayPal

Matching Gifts Programs

Company matching gifts can double your donation to The Ivy Foundation Suffolk/Nassau Counties Inc. Check with your company’s Human Resources Department to determine if this option is available and for the required documentation to set up contributions.

The IFSNC is grateful to those companies and organizations that, through matching gift programs, help maximize our impact in the community.

Listed below are companies who have provided matching gifts to the Ivy Foundation:

Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 6.57.34 PM       deloitte   morgan-stanley

Corporate Giving

A strategic partnership with The Ivy Foundation Suffolk/Nassau Counties Inc. can help your company achieve its philanthropic goals. Contact us  to learn more about the benefits of corporate giving. 

Gifts in Honor or Memorial

We welcome your gift in honor or memory of a loved one. To make a gift in someone’s honor or to make a gift in someone’s memory, please contact us here.

Legacy Gifting

Please contact us if you are considering a method of planned giving that can include gifts of life insurance such as naming Ivy Foundation Suffolk/Nassau Counties Inc. as the policy beneficiary, and gifts left to the organization in wills.

©Copyright Ivy Foundation Suffolk/Nassau Counties Inc. All rights reserved.